Party Worx by Fitness Worx

Energise your next Party!

Partyworx by Fitnessworx offer truly unique, awesome and “active” parties for 3-13 year olds at our exclusive and fully decked out party venue in Mitcham (VIC).

From the moment the kids arrive their ‘journey’ begins. Our Partyworx facilitators immerse the kids into their chosen theme (e.g. Superhero or Circus) and generate excitement and enthusiasm around it.

Through a series of structured activities, our staff keep the kids moving and laughing throughout. In fact, they may have so much fun they won’t want to leave!

Our NEW Nerf Gun and Ninja Warrior parties are a huge HIT!!

Party Themes


Looking for the best Kids Sports Parties in Melbourne? You can’t go past the Mini Olympics Sports Party at Fitnessworx – take part, and go for gold…

Do you have a budding Olympic champion in your midst?  Are they destined for greatness?  Kick start their journey to glory with a Fitnessworx Mini Olympics Party.

As the name suggests, kids will take part in a series of ‘events’ loosely based on elements they may have seen at recent Olympics or Commonwealth Games.  They’ll obviously need to ‘train’ like an athlete – so our facilitators will put them through their paces with a gruelling obstacle course before they test their skill in events such archery, javelin, hurdles and discus.  They’ll also compete as one of our famous Australian teams like the Hockeyroos or the Boomers and get to show their prowess in the gymnastics arena!

A highly energetic party that should leave your group tired and quiet!  And why do athletes toil and train for years and years – why to win gold!  All athletes will be presented with their ‘gold’ certificate at the end! It really is one of the most unique Kids Sports Parties in Melbourne!


Trying to find the Best Sports Parties in Melbourne? Look no further! Check out our unique and fun Tabloid Sports Party…

If your child just loves anything sport then we have the party for you!  A Fitnessworx Tabloid Sports party will provide that mix of competition and skill that your sports nut and their like-minded friends seek! This party allows us to showcase a mix of different sports or ball games, or you can choose to focus on only 1 or 2 sports (i.e. an AFL party).

Whilst these might not look like your traditional sports (our venue isn’t quite as large as the MCG…), it’ll be fun, full of movement and noise, allow the kids to come dressed in their favourite teams colours and contain modified elements from their chosen sports.  Best of all, it will cater for all levels of ‘ability’ – so there will be countless ‘opportunities for success’ at every turn.  Also known as our Balls, Balls, Balls party, this party will ensure all kids definitely ‘have a ball’. Definitely one of the Best Sports Parties in Melbourne!


Fitnessworx run the best and most Unique Sports Parties in Melbourne – but if you have an idea for an active party theme that we don’t already offer, we can create it…

Talk to us about it! Fitnessworx can customise a party and activities to suit you! In the past, we’ve run Dinosaur, Ninja Training, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Paw Patrol, Star Wars/Jedi Training, Super Mario, Lego Ninjago, AFL, Soccer World Cup, and more!

We are only limited by your imagination – so hit us up!  We are always looking to add to our growing list of Unique Sports Parties in Melbourne! Any further queries – please just give us a call at Fitnessworx on 1300 668 338.


You have to ask yourself – why wouldn’t I book a Kids Nerf Gun Party?!  Especially when you know we’ll look the other way whilst you empty a round or two at your child/children!

At a Fitnessworx Kids Nerf Gun Party, kids will use their ‘equipment’ for a variety of challenges, including zombie apocalypse, crack shot, shoot from the hip and commando trials.  Sharp shooters will win their teams all important flags to be used in the final capture the flag challenge, the more flags you have, the better your odds of surviving the carnage and winning overall.  Are you a Cool Hand Luke or a Shoot Now and Ask Questions Later sort of person?  This party will definitely discover which category you fall in to.

All participants are provided safety glasses, nerf guns (various models) and plenty of spare bullets.  Participants must, however, bring along their own bravery, willingness to have heaps of fun and a great level of sportspersonship – you will definitely be hit by a nerf bullet at some point, so be prepared!  Oh, and we definitely think you’ll be yelling ‘Hasta la Vista, Baby’ at the end of it all!


“I solemnly swear I am up to no good.” This iconic line activates the Marauders Map and so it kick-starts the magic about to happen during this Harry Potter inspired Fitnessworx Kids Quidditch Party in Melbourne.

Learning to fly on your broomstick, however, can be dangerous, so before we can begin a game all quidditch hopefuls must survive the quidditch trials!  Will you be selected as part of the Gryffindor team, or will it be Slytherin? Kids begin by being introduced to the general principles of Quidditch, before getting their broom license! Then, using a series of interactive challenges, kids work individually, in small groups or, in larger teams to make their way through all required training.

When kids are ready to graduate from flying school, we begin our game of Quidditch. Yes, there are beaters, chasers, a keeper and of course, the seeker.  Watch out for the bludger, catch the quaffle and always be on the lookout for that sneaky snitch!  An awesome party for those Harry Potter fans or just someone looking for a completely different party concept!  Trust us, people will be talking about this party for weeks to come!


A Kids Skylanders Party in Melbourne is an interactive party based on the highly popular video game (and now TV Show) Skylanders.

During a “Skylanders Party” our Fitnessworx venue becomes “Cloudbreak Fitnessworx Islands”. The party guests become Skylanders and are tasked with the challenge of saving Cloudbreak from Kaos!  They can become any of their favourite characters, and it doesn’t matter if some of the kids aren’t familiar with the franchise, our facilitators are there to lead them through all the necessary challenges they’ll face.

Skylanders need to train and harness their powers to conquer Kaos and return safely from Earth to Cloudbreak Islands.  This party will incorporate a range of fun and active Skylanders games and challenges from the portal of power, crossing mudwater hollow, surviving a chompy pit and taking part in a game of Sting Ball.  A highly active and imaginative party that the kids LOVE!


This Unique Kids Active Party is based on a highly successful TV franchise – A Minute to Win It.  In a Fitnessworx Minute to Win It party, kids will work in small groups to complete random and slightly crazy challenges.  Of course, they only have 1 minute to complete as many as possible (or do they…)!  Using a net to throw a beanbag sounds easy, but it’s more challenging than it looks – ok it looks challenging too!  Build the tallest tower (that must remain standing…), control the marble madness, survive the over/under and more!

We think this party is SOOOOO much fun, and a great opportunity for the parents to have a good laugh at the kids whilst they perform some frustrating, ridiculous and exciting challenges.  I mean, wait until you see what they need to do for Temper Tantrum! It’s fast, it’s active and it’s most definitely fun!  Adding a little bit of competition to this party makes it a highly engaging party.


We think this is one of the Best Kids Active Party ideas ever!

This awesome party is based on the very successful TV franchise, The Amazing Race!  Having a Fitnessworx Amazing Race party will take you to different countries (without the hassle of the actual plane flight and delays!) where you will be required to complete a range of challenges that are inspired by the people, culture or history of that country.

A great party that tests the physical, mental and creative ability of the participants.  It will have them working in small groups to compete against the other ‘teams’ for the title of Fitnessworx Amazing Race Champions! Contestants may have to become an acrobat at the Circus in Russia, build Big Ben and/or Tower Bridge from London, survive a bootcamp designed to test new recruits to the Australian Army or work as a team to cross the Amazon River in Brazil.

To win the race, the teams must work together to solve puzzles, demonstrate physical ability, answer brainteasers and prove that their team are worthy of the title of champions! A fantastic party idea for ages 8 and above!


Do you have what it takes to become a Fitnessworx Ninja Warrior Champion?!  A Fitnessworx Ninja Warrior loves to work hard, to be pushed to their limits and demonstrate, under the pressure of the clock, their physical prowess!  A Fitnessworx Ninja Warrior Party in Melbourne is exactly as it sounds – a highly active and challenging party that will test the physical capabilities of the group.  Having said that, it doesn’t matter what physical/technical level the kids are at, our hard core Ninja Warrior Facilitators will always adjust activities to provide opportunities for success – the kids just have to love being challenged and pushed!

Whilst the course doesn’t have the water to fall into, potential warriors will still face challenges at every turn.  Their strength, coordination, agility, speed and balance will be seriously tested in this fast-paced, high energy party.  And, of course, it all ends with an attempt at the ‘record’ for the Ninja Warrior course that may include (our version of) the quintuple steps, wall climb, rope swing, balance beam, battle rope – and a myriad of other challenges we dream up! Recommended for the older kids (the young ones tend to cry…doesn’t make us look good!).


Does your child continue to vault over the back of your beautiful leather couch no matter how many times you tell them to STOP!?  Are they constantly jumping off the table and rolling across the floor yelling ‘parkour’ (just like the guys from The Office US.  If you don’t know it, search ‘The Office Parkour’ – it’s hilarious)? Do they climb every tree, wall or stair you pass? Then you already know which party you need to book for them!

A Fitnessworx Kids Parkour Party in Melbourne will allow them to jump, vault, roll and climb to their hearts content.  Our parkour facilitator will take your group through the basics of parkour, focusing on some of the essential techniques of getting from point A to point B as efficiently (and safely) as possible. Through a series of challenges and activities, both individual and group based, kids will focus on balance, coordination, agility, speed and strength, to overcome obstacles.

Our Kids Parkour Party in Melbourne is a high-energy party full of activities that should tire out even the most energetic kids!  We recommend this party for ages 8 and up.


So your child is a bit of a princess AND loves being active?  We’ve got the perfect party theme for you!  A Fitnessworx Kids Princess Party in Melbourne is seriously unique.  You won’t find any face painting, sparkly tiara’s (unless you choose to put one on your princess!) or sitting around story telling in this party!  No, a Fitnessworx Princess party requires all ‘princesses and princes in waiting’ to complete all set tasks in order to be presented at the castle ball.

There is an enchanted forest that will challenge their royal skills, throwing up all sorts of obstacles (and because it’s magical, the obstacles constantly change!).  They may encounter the winding river full of hungry crocodiles, the smelly mud pit (don’t get your ball gown dirty!), the slippery mountain, the tricksy trolls or even need to rescue a fellow royal imprisoned in the evil wizards tower (just to name a few!).

Once through the forest though, prince and princesses will need to learn some very important dance moves prior to being presented at the Castle Ball.  And if our future royals complete all these challenges, there is still the Princess swing to be photographed on.   A great party for the younger kids.


If your child walks around handing out Yarrr’s, constantly sticks you with his or her sword and steals all your gold then you are most likely dealing with a pirate.  The parrot on the shoulder is also a dead give-away!  Should this be the case then we have just the party for you, a Fitnessworx Kids Pirate Party in Melbourne.  That’s right landlubbers, an active party for the fans of the eye patch and fake beards!

During this party, wannabe pirates will be trained in the ancient art of the buccaneer.  Batten down the hatches and prepare to be tested because only the fittest and bravest pirates can take control of the high seas.  For the rest, it’s Davey Jones’ Locker…! Will they survive the cannonball attack, the man overboard, walking the plank, or being made to scrub the deck?   Our Fitnessworx Kids Pirate Party in Melbourne is unique, active and a lot of fun – it will leave kids dreaming of swashbuckling adventures with Captain Jack Sparrow!


You won’t regret your decision to throw a Kids Superhero Party (Melbourne)! We know there are alternatives available, but we think this is the most interactive and engaging you’ll find!  Seriously!

Bring your Superheroes in waiting to Fitnessworx and leave with fully qualified Superheroes, ready to take on the bad guys!  That’s right, this highly active party is AWESOME for boys and girls and allows them to come dressed as their favourite super hero. Our fully qualified ‘super hero trainer’ will take kids through all the required steps of their training to ensure they meet the strict demands of the Fitnessworx Justice League.  Will they make it through the commando course?   And will they succeed in mastering the essential superhero art of flying?

An AMAZING party that leads to huge success with engagement and has all kids in attendance excited to begin their new career as a servant of justice…


Have kids with energy that just seem to keep going like the energiser bunny?  Enjoy seeing that energy ‘used up’?  Then we have the party for you!  A Fitnessworx Kids Bootcamp Party (Melbourne) is a high energy party filled with a variety of fun and challenging “commando” style activities.

This party has a Fitnessworx facilitator excited to take on the role of ‘The Commando’! Whether it be individual tasks, partner-based work or group challenges, we think a Fitnessworx Bootcamp party will leave all attendees puffing and sweaty (who doesn’t love a sweaty kid!).  Each party makes adjustments and allowances for age and ability of your child and their guests, but will your group have what it takes to ‘earn their stripes’?


So you think you can dance…?   Great, then a Fitnessworx Kids Dance Party (Melbourne) provides the kids an opportunity to have FUN, and most importantly, dance to some of their favourite tunes! The focus is on having a great time with dance and exploring movement to music that will make you tap your foot (even if you don’t dance!).

Technique is not important, being involved is!  So you turn left instead of right – that’s perfect at Fitnessworx!   And we’re happy for you to provide us a list of your child’s favourite songs – we’ll do our best to include some (if not all) of them!  They love a good show?  That’s great – get your video ready, because the kids will perform their dance for the parents as a finale to the show (an awesome way to finish the party – although the routine can sometimes be a little ‘interpretative’, which is just the way we like it at Fitnessworx!).

A Kids Dance Party (Melbourne) has the Fitnessworx Mitcham studio jumping with the volume turned ‘way up’.  There will be facilitator led dances, activities and games, routines and funky dance moves, and maybe even an opportunity to mispronounce a few words in a song! If the kids just love to jump around and dance ‘freestyle’ – we love that too!   A very fun, active and inclusive party


A Fitnessworx Cheerleading Kids Party Melbourne is so much more than pom poms and chants. Cheerleaders are super fit, highly talented and seriously brave.  Cheerleaders (who are both male and female) perform routines that include dancing, tumbling, cheering/chanting, stunting and jumping.

A Fitnessworx Cheerleading Kids Party Melbourne will provide your mini cheerleaders the opportunity to experience a variety of these essential cheerleading skills, all to a bopping soundtrack that will probably have you tapping your foot without realising!  Once they’ve mastered their inner cheerleader it will be time to end it in the ultimate cheer battle (or ‘presentation’ for the child that doesn’t like the competition) to see which cheer group will prevail.  Will it be the Clovers or the Toro’s (for all you Bring it On fans)!


Looking for an active party and love the sound of more than one of our unique party themes?  Then why not book Fitnessworx, the company that run the Best Active Kids Parties in Melbourne!

If making up your mind is just impossible then leave the content of your awesome kids party up to us – we’ll make sure it’s fun, challenging, active and (most importantly) tiring! Games, activities and challenges are all modified to suit the age group and “enthusiasm” of the kids.

If you like the sound of a few of our different party themes and just can’t choose between them – then this is a great option! Just tell us which activities you like the sound of, and we’ll be sure to include elements from each of them in the design of your very own Unique Active Mix Party!


Seriously, our Fitnessworx Kids Circus Parties in Melbourne are awesome!

You may already think your child and their friends belong in a circus, so rather than fight it, you might as well train them to perform like circus clowns!  A Fitnessworx circus party is an awesome, active and inclusive party that provides an opportunity for kids of all abilities to explore their creative side.  This party is a great option if you are inviting a mix of boys and girls.  It also works well with any age group (a great option for the older kids).

During this party, we will cover a range of exciting circus elements.  Staff will even modify activities to suit the age and ability of the group.  Activities may include performance and tricks.  Other skills explored may be spinning plates, juggling, hula hooping and scarves.  We explore acrobatics too, but keep this to fun and achievable challenges for all including partner and group balances. And, of course, our Kids Circus Parties in Melbourne would not be complete without using the static trapeze.  A highlight for all!

Party Pricing Packages

Fitnessworx Parties at our purpose built venue in Mitcham provide such great value – especially because you have the ENTIRE place to yourselves (there are no other parties to contend with)!  Whether you’d like to cater yourself, and bring along your own food, or have us do it all – you can choose the perfect party package for you!

*Please Note: Prices are subject to change without notice.

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1 Monomeeth Drive
Mitcham 3132 VIC
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